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Root Canals: What You Should Do Before and After

Root Canals…Virtually all adults (99.7%) surveyed by the American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry believe a healthy smile is socially important. You need to always be taking care of your teeth, visiting your dentist at least two or three times a year, regularly brushing your teeth, and avoiding damaging food and beverage products. Unfortunately, even if you are taking excellent care of your teeth, you could still develop a serious toothache from a broken tooth or similar problems. Root canals, for instance, are quite common and though there is a lot of concern pertaining to these treatments, they aren’t nearly as bad as they sound — or at least as bad as they used to be. Here is some important information that will hopefully make you feel more comfortable about your upcoming root canal:

Before the procedure

  • Wear something comfortable — Although most procedures finish within an hour, there is a chance you’ll be sitting in the dental chair for much longer. Wearing loose and comfortable clothing can help you relax prior to the treatment. Additionally, it’s best to avoid wearing expensive clothing because sodium hypochlorite (Clorox bleach) is part of the procedure.
  • Avoid taking medications — Unless your dentist says it’s okay, you should avoid taking medication at least a few days prior to your procedure. Don’t take any aspirin for 10 days before treatment and talk to your dentist (and your doctor) if you have to take any prescribed medications.
  • No alcohol or tobacco — Make sure you’re not smoking or drinking at least 12 hours before treatment.

After the procedure

  • No alcohol or tobacco… still — Similar to before your treatment, you shouldn’t drink alcohol for 48 hours after your procedure and shouldn’t smoke for 72 hours afterward root canal. Actually, while you’re at it, try and stop smoking altogether.
  • Monitor pain levels — Following these procedures, minor pain is common. But if that minor pain starts to worsen and become severe, you might have something else going on. If you think the pain is nearing unbearable status, you should head back into the dentist.
  • Stay in touch with your dentist — The best way to get through with any major dental procedure is to remain in contact with your dentist. He or she will help you throughout every step of the way and will offer little tips and tricks along the way.
If you want to learn more about root canals procedures or are in need of general dental care assistance like teeth cleaning, give StateLine Dental a call right away.
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