Carolina Dentistry @ The StateLine Dental

Tooth Sensitivity, What Can Be Done

We know tooth sensitivity is not fun. Many people avoid certain foods trying to avoid the sensitivity. Did you know there are several reasons why we can be experiencing tooth sensitivity? Your teeth are composed of several layers. One of the layers you have probably heard about is enamel. Enamel is the protective layer above the gum that gives protection to the teeth. When enamel becomes compromised it allows for hot and cold sensations to reach the nerve of the tooth causing sensitivity. Cementum is the protective layer underneath your gums. The same sensations can be experienced around the root of the tooth as well. Treatment for your sensitivity involves first diagnosing what is causing the sensitivity. Some recommendations may include: More treatment options may be recommended by your dentist. If you are experiencing tooth sensitivity it is best to discuss your symptoms with your dentist who can determine the best treatment for you. There is relief for tooth sensitivity. Call today to schedule your consult 704-752-7602.
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